Wednesday, September 17, 2008

The Castaneda Tortilla Factory

One of the things that Jose and I miss most about leaving Dallas is his Mom's cooking. She is AMAZING. Jose is a a VERY picky eater when it comes to Mexican food, because he insists it tastes authentic. None of that Tex-Mex business for him. So, in an effort to be the most amazing wife ever (and because I have LOTS of free time on my hands now!) I decided to make some homemade tortillas. And believe it or not, they turned out great!! It took me a few to get the hang of it but they tasted wonderful. Making them round is a lot trickier than it seems. Once you've had homemade, you'll never be able to go back to storebought again.
Oh and Jose rated them at 8.5....a VERY high score. He rates all of the dishes I make (sides included) on a scale of 1 to 10 every night at dinner. I don't think I've ever gotten a 10 before and 9 and 9.5 only come along once in a blue moon, so I am VERY pleased with the 8.5. The best part is that Jose will eat almost anything, so even if it scores a 4 (and yes that has happened) he'll still eat seconds, sometimes even thirds.


Sonia @ My Sweet Monkey said...

wow lizzy! i'm impressed. they look great.

Lizzy said...

Thanks for the props! That means something from a great cook like you!!!

MISS YOU! Have fun in Italy!