Saturday, May 23, 2009

On The Road Again...

Yes, we are crazy. Let's just put that right out there to begin with. As if jetting all over Europe for 3 weeks wasn't enough, now 3 days later we are all packed up and taking the Great American Roadtrip to move to Detroit for the summer for Jose's Internship. And let me just say 3 days is not nearly long enough to unpack, do laundry, undo jetlag, repack, and go. So after weeks of travel we have another full week of travel ahead of us, but this time in the car. We are going to take the route through Dallas so we can see Jose's family, and hopefully make a few stops at great places like Graceland, Opryland and who knows what else. I mean, why drive across the country if you can't see a giant ball of string right?

And I promise that I will try to post pictures from Europe ASAP. We had an UH-MAZING fabulous!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

On European Travel...

Everyone in Europe just LOVES their travel systems (metro, trains, etc.) and after another day on the train today (back to Torino from Florence) I got to thinking about it....Is it really more convenient? Let me tell you about one day I had here and you decide. [Modes of transport will be in Red]

Our first weekend we spent in Yvoire, France on Lake Geneva. Jose's program began Sunday evening in downtown Geneva and I was leaving the same day to London. So to get to Geneva from Yvoire we had to take a BOAT to the other side of the lake, walk about 15 minutes to take a TRAIN to Geneva. Then later that same day I took a TAXI to the airport, where I boarded an AIRPLANE to London. When I arrived I took the TUBE/SUBWAY to Amber's stop where subsequently a BUS was waiting to take us to her house. That is 6 different modes of transportation in less than 12 hours. And Europeans think this is convenient??? I think all that 2nd hand smoke is affecting their brains.

Now if only I had been able to hop a hot air balloon, or borrow someone's motorcycle....

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Bonjour & Cheerio!

Just wanted to let you all know we made it safe and sound and are having a WONDERFUL time in Europe! We spent a day or two on Lake Geneva (france side) and I left Jose in Switzerland and am over in London with Amber.

We've only been gone a few days and are already having such a good time. It's much better now that the jet lag has worn off. If only we could stop gabbing and get to bed before 3 am!! A few more days here and then it's off to Paris (where I'll meet up with Jose for the weekend).

And on a side note....somehow I forgot how much walking is involved in Europe. Good thing I've been so dilligent about the gym lately, otherwise I might have been dead. But it sure takes the guilt away from all the croissants and cupcakes! Amber and I literally did not stop walking yesterday for like 14 hours. The tube is great, but you only get to sit down for like 5 minutes, which is not nearly long enough. Shopping is such hard work! We decided that going to the theatre is the perfect antidote, because you get to sit for like 2+ hours! Talk about a perfect day!