Thursday, July 1, 2010

Getting Settled

Well, we survived the move! We are now officially residents of Edina, Minnesota (about 5 miles from Minneapolis). The movers delivered all of our stuff on Monday and we are getting settled in. I've worked some pretty long days unpacking and finding a home for everything but I think I can finish it all today if I stay focused!
So far we really like it here. The weather is gorgeous (like 75-80) and everyone is always outdoors walking/biking/etc. Please remind me of this come January. The people are so friendly, I love the Mid-Western attitude. We made friends at church who had us over for dinner that night, neighbors have brought by brownies, we have had multiple invitations to all the 4th of July activities (apparently our block party is a BIG deal), our real estate agent brought us flowers, and our insurance agent gave us tickets to the Twins game tonight. The list goes on and on....Minnesota has really sent out the Welcome Wagon!
I've found most of the essentials: post office, gas station, dry cleaner, Super Target (the most super one ever! This is Target country after all), places to eat, the mall, etc. So far it seems pretty easy to get around and I am relying on the garmin a little less each day.
Luckily I've been so busy getting everything done, I haven't had a moment to be sad. My family is Sun Valley this week and I had to miss the trip to meet the movers. But we are excited about our new adventure here and have so many fun things going on over the next few days. If I get a chance I'll try to bring the camera along. I'm always terrible at that, but it makes things so much more interesting.
And if I owe you a phone call or an email back (or in a few cases both)...I'm publicly and officially so sorry! I promise soon.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Another Graduation!

Does it seem like all we do at our house is have Graduations? Well we had another one...and this time it was for me! : ) I officially graduated from Culinary School. I am happy to brag that I graduated at the top of my class with honors (4.0 GPA!). I even got a special new Chef Coat with my name and "honors graduate" embroidered on it as well as MEDAL that is engraved. I've never had a medal before...I'm pretty excited about it. Sometimes I wear it around the house just for fun. We were lucky to have my in-laws in town to help us celebrate and we had a great time with them. So yea for me!
Me receiving my diploma from the President of the School, Chef Wilson. You know what they say, "Never Trust a Skinny Chef". Well, he's the real deal then.
Being recognized for my Honor's Status.

My cute Mother and Father In Law.

We have lots more going on around here, so I'll try and keep updated!

Monday, May 10, 2010


Last week the big day came, and Jose officially graduated with his MBA! I honestly couldn't be more proud of him!!! We had a great celebration with family and friends all week long and are now happily adjusting to life without school. : ) Thanks to all of you who came to help us celebrate and those who watched and cheered on the festivities via Internet! Here are a few pics of the happy occasion!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Last Day of School!

Last Wednesday was Jose's very last day of school! Does he look smarter? Graduations festivities are this weekend, but we had to commemorate the last day. More to come...

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

I'm Back!!!

So after many months on blogging hiatus, I'm back! But just because I've been absent doesn't mean I haven't been reading all of your blogs! Actually, my amazing and trusty IBM bit the dust a few months ago and I've just been slow to replace it! Considering that I got it to go to college it's amazing it made it that long....I think computer years are like dog years! But sharing a computer with a busy grad student hasn't allowed me much time online. But I am an independent woman, so expect to be hearing from us again!
So now I'm going to go back to playing with my new toy.... : )