Does it seem like all we do at our house is have Graduations? Well we had another one...and this time it was for me! : ) I officially graduated from Culinary School. I am happy to brag that I graduated at the top of my class with honors (4.0 GPA!). I even got a special new Chef Coat with my name and "honors graduate" embroidered on it as well as MEDAL that is engraved. I've never had a medal before...I'm pretty excited about it. Sometimes I wear it around the house just for fun. We were lucky to have my in-laws in town to help us celebrate and we had a great time with them. So yea for me!
Me receiving my diploma from the President of the School, Chef Wilson. You know what they say, "Never Trust a Skinny Chef". Well, he's the real deal then.
Being recognized for my Honor's Status.
My cute Mother and Father In Law.
We have lots more going on around here, so I'll try and keep updated!
Congrats Chef Lizzy!! We're really proud of you!
congratulations! i can't wait to hear what you guys will be up to next.
I am excited for you to come here on Sunday and show off some of those cooking skills! Love ya!
Hooray!!! I would expect nothing less from someone who was a culinary master even before she started school! Congratulations friend! Keep the posts coming... we miss you guys lots! You will have to let us know if/when you are ever in Utah!
Oh my goodness! That is awesome! Congrats. I wish you lived closer so you could cook me up some nummy food! Good luck in Minnesota!
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