Friday, July 17, 2009

Life in Michigan

We've been running around so much lately I haven't even really gotten to tell you all a little bit about Michigan. It has been an adventure, that's for sure, and fun to get a chance to sort of "try on" a city. Here's the real shocker....we really like it! Who ever thought I'd like living in Detroit?! It is really beautiful (they don't call it the Land-O-Lakes for nothing!), the weather is great (70-80 everyday), the suburbs are really nice, and the people are so friendly. It's also so close to many major cities and we are hoping to get out and explore a little for the rest of the summer.
Every city/area has its own little quirks. Here are some of the most interesting things we've found while living here.

1. The state of Michigan is shaped like a left hand (see above map). People actually use this as a reference! They say, "I'm from where the ring finger and the pinky finger meet." Or they will actually hold up their hand and point! I've heard they make Michigan oven mitts...I may have to find myself one.

2. If you want to turn left at a stoplight, you actually have to turn right. What?! Crazy. They call it "The Michigan Left". You turn right, then in about 1/4 mile on the left lane there is a special U-turn lane where you finally get to go the direction you want. Maybe the above diagram will help. It doubles the amount of stoplights needed and you actually have to wait 3 times sometimes. Jose and I are NOT fans.

3. They take construction workers VERY seriously here. Everywhere on the freeways and streets there are signs saying that if you kill/injure a worker you will pay a $7,500 fine AND serve 15 years in prison! They are not joking around.

4. People are really aggressive drivers and they drive really fast. The speed limits are really high here:70-80 in major highways in the city. It's taken a little getting used to. Hard to keep up with the traffic when you have no idea where you are going! But we've adjusted.

5. We live NORTH of Canada. Eh? Yes, we actually do (you can check me on the map above). Did you know that Detroit and Canada (Windsor) pretty much touch? There is even a chunnel to go back and forth. I think we are the few cities in the continental US that is actually North of Canada. Pretty cool.

6. Pop cans are worth $.10 each! And the crazy part is people actually collect them. They have deposit machines at the front of every store and it gives you money. I think $.10 is a lot. I've been saving mine. I got a 12 pack of diet coke on sale the other day for $2.00 and with the cans that will be like paying $.06 per can. They are practically paying me to drink it! And everyone (I mean everyone) actually does it. That's the weird part. But I guess it's very green, so good work MI.

7. If you pay for you gas with a credit card you have to pay more per gallon. Or as Jose says, they give you a discount for paying cash. Definitely shows the difference in our personalities on how we see that! I think it's a penalty and he thinks it's a discount! in cash.

I'm sure we'll find out many interesting things in our remaining month here. Who knows...maybe next year this will be our real home.


Anonymous said...

Just a guess, but maybe #4 is the reason for #3.


Amy Franck said...

Glad you liking Michigan... I have some family there, so I know all about the crazy roads (it's actually one of the reasons my parents will never move back)! Anyway, Long Island has the same bottle/can return thing, except they charge you extra at check-out for the cans/bottles. So, if my 12 pack was $2, I'd also get charged $1.20 for the bottles. Drives me crazy because the return machines get so nasty here and I end up with random, old soda all over me. Definitely a Matt job... we also have the gas thing, which can make it tricky for finding a good station because I never have cash. Have fun with the rest of your summer!

Who Knew . . . said...

When you are 16 and starting to drive Detroit can be a great place to learn (left hand turns are less intimidating) and a scary place(people drive fast and run dark orange/red lights so don't stop if the light is yellow because the person behind you may not stop).

Oh you make me miss the quarky things about that place.

Crystal said...

I'm so happy to hear that you're enjoying your summer. I loved looking at your pics from Europe, Mexico and Seattle. I'm so jealous! There's nothing fun about being 28 weeks pregnant and having to go to work everyday.

Abuelita Castaneda said...

We flew over Michigan last Thursday! Sounds like a very interesting place. Glad you're happy there. Enjoy your stay! Drive safely!