Wednesday, April 29, 2009

T Minus 36 Hours....

And Counting! We leave for Europe on Friday morning and we are getting so excited!! Jose will be taking a course for his MBA program in Geneva so we're making the most of it. While he's busy there, I'm going to visit my bestie Amber in London/Paris, and spend time with Jose's sister Yaya and her husband Carlo in Italy. Jose will join us when he is finished. We're so excited to spend time with our friends and family and to see these amazing places with locals.

Now if I could just get packed. Ugh - I hate packing. There is nothing worse than getting somewhere and realizing you brought all the wrong things. Or too much. Or not enough. Ugh. I might do a practice run tonight. Lots to do!

Friday, April 24, 2009

My Sick Computer : (

Today my computer got a terrible virus. It was an awful spyware infection. The internet says it is one of the worst ones out there right now. It had a billion popups, was trying to trick me into buying fake software (good thing I don't fall for those sorts of things), it can steal your personal info, and worst of prevented me from using the internet (gasp!). But, I was determined to fix it myself. I spent the last 4 1/2 hours tinkering until I FINALLY cured it! And it is all thanks to the genius people at Microsoft for making their website unhackable. I'd heard that if you get a internet virus that you should still be able to get to and apparently it is true. I found really helpful directions and learned how to "un-virus" it. And here I am blogging away.

So next time you get a virus, don't panic just get resourceful. And be grateful to all those totally nerdy, pocket-protector wearing, tree huggers up in Seattle. Or you can call me, and I'll try to help.

Monday, April 20, 2009

I love Spring!

I've spent the past few days out in PA visiting my parents and living in the desert made me forget how colorful springtime can be! I took this picture of the cherry blossom tree in my parents front yard and just loved it. It made me think of how beautiful Washington DC was with all the Cherry Blossoms when Jose & I got married. I hope spring is as gorgeous as where you are!

Monday, April 13, 2009

I am my Father's Daughter

With Jose off for Easter Monday today, we decided it was the perfect day to do a little spring cleaning, and we cleaned out the garage. Not only are things nice and tidy but I found something out about myself today.....I LOVE using the leaf blower. Just like my dad.

You see EVERY Saturday morning of my childhood without fail, my dad would blow the yard, the garage, the driveway, the neighbors driveway, etc. He loves the blower. I mean loves it. We have often mocked him for Saturday obsession, but today I finally realized how awesome it is. I mean, how would've I ever known? He wouldn't have dreamed of sharing his beloved blower with me.

I've decided that blowing is kind of like vacuuming (my fave inside chore), but it is 10 times cooler because it is so much faster. Too bad I can't use the blower on the carpet or the dishes. Now that would really be awesome. Is the blower the outside equivalent of the Dyson? Hmm.

Anyway, I think next time I may even put on Dad's special uniform of a polo shirt, sweat pants, and loafers to see if it somehow enhaces the experience. What can I say...I am my Father's Daughter! Love you Daddy!