Today my computer got a terrible virus. It was an awful spyware infection. The internet says it is one of the worst ones out there right now. It had a billion popups, was trying to trick me into buying fake software (good thing I don't fall for those sorts of things), it can steal your personal info, and worst of prevented me from using the internet (gasp!). But, I was determined to fix it myself. I spent the last 4 1/2 hours tinkering until I FINALLY cured it! And it is all thanks to the genius people at Microsoft for making their website unhackable. I'd heard that if you get a internet virus that you should still be able to get to and apparently it is true. I found really helpful directions and learned how to "un-virus" it. And here I am blogging away.
So next time you get a virus, don't panic just get resourceful. And be grateful to all those totally nerdy, pocket-protector wearing, tree huggers up in Seattle. Or you can call me, and I'll try to help.
If you can do what a nerd does, doesn't that make you a nerd as well?
Well, I don't think you are a nerd! That was really helpful info. I'll make a mental note!
Oh no...maybe I am a nerd!!!!!!
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