Ugh...I've been so absent on the blog. My apologies!! It's been an insane summer, and fall just snuck right up on us. We've done a lot since I last posted and a lot has changed. There have been 3 trips, a birthday, a move, and one Castaneda going back to school. (hint: it wasn't Jose.) Here's a few highlights from the past month or so!
We had a great trip to Chicago. Neither of us had been and we ate our way through town! Lots of Chicago Dogs, deep dish pizza, and other fun treats. Not to mention an architectural tour, night time fireworks, and a whole mile of shopping. Twice. All in all, it was a pretty perfect trip and Chicago definitely got added to the list of cities we'd love to live in.
We also spent a weekend in Ohio. We started with a trip to Cedar Point (America's biggest theme park), visited with a friend of Jose's from his mission and his new wife, went to Kirtland, and then to the Rock and Roll Hall of fame. And Cleveland does rock, fyi.
Then it was off to Utah for a few days to visit with my family. I went solo on that one while Jose finished up his internship.
Then it was a move back from Michigan to Arizona. I flew and let Jose drive home. He spent a week with his family and got to go to a pre-season cowboys game at the new Stadium.
I had to come home to start school! I decided this summer that I wanted to go to Culinary School. I am now 2 weeks into my 9 month program and loving it. It's something I've always wanted to do and it just seemed like the right time. Anyway, I started a separate blog about school and the things I am learning/doing so if you want to check it out it is:
All in all it's been a crazy month, but we are happy to be back home and start a new year!
the pants... i wanna see the chef pants!! by the way.... you look super cute in your chef's hat!
I'm glad you had such a fun summer, and we're happy Pepe could spend some time with us. I know how much, Pepe and his father enjoyed the game. Lizzy, you look really cute as a future chef! Sounds like you're going to have a lot of fun in the kitchen.
Cool blog! I'm so jealous you guys got to go to Chicago. None of my family is close to the city anymore so I hate not having an excuse to go back. But I'm with you--definitely would live there, especially downtown!
Thanks Lizzy we are pretty excited, Sam especially!
i have to add you guys to our links cause I always secrely blog stalk you! hehe
And congrats on culinary school! that is so fun!
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